Autumn Market Comment

James Fearn of Keats Fearn explains why the autumn Farnham property market will throw up plenty of opportunities for positive buyers and sellers.
Some people think that an aircraft touching down on a runway is a landing while others regard it as a controlled crash. There are different ways at looking at most things.
Take the word strike for instance. The word is in the news at the moment as thousands of key public service workers down tools and walk out. Estate agents on the other hand urge buyers and sellers to strike while the iron is hot.
The press is telling everyone that the property market is flat at the moment while many property professionals like us think it is brim full of opportunities. There may be fewer properties for sale in Farnham than there were, but new ones are entering the Farnham market all the time.  This is because some people’s circumstances mean that house moves need to be made immediately; they are unable to wait for a change in the housing market.
A seller’s need to sell and a buyer’s need to buy are often regarded as two separate things. But looked at another way each requirement satisfies the other by offering both seller and buyer a positive solution to their individual needs. My staff at Keats Fearn look for these perfect opportunities and then offer seller and buyer the chance to strike when the time is right.
Some of our competitors also tell us this market is dead and they have little to do. Conversely we are as busy as always as we see life in every market.